Full Moon in Aries

There is a full moon in Aries at 10:52 PM this Monday (09/24) EST.

Now let's talk about full moons. They happen once a month usually, as the moon takes 28 days to go around the earth. And about 15 days in, the sun is illuminating the moon, this creates a full moon. This is when the moon is opposite the sun in space (literally, not symbolically) and in astrology we call this an opposition. It is the inverse of the conjunction, the new moon. At the beginning of this cycle, the moon was new and now its waxed to be full. And then it will wane and be new again. Hooray! Each month astrology gives us a do-over!

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New Moon in Virgo

There is a new moon in Virgo at 2:01PM today (09/09) EST.

First let's talk about new moons. They happen once a month usually, as the moon takes 28 days to go around the earth. And about 15 days in, the sun is illuminating the moon, this creates a full moon. This is when the moon is opposite the sun in space (literally, not symbolically) and in astrology we call this an opposition But we are not talking about the opposition, we're taking about the conjunction, the NEW MOON. Many astrologers will tell you that astrology is full of duality.

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The MANY WAYS You Can Work with Mercury Retrograde

Was gonna say "should" but I hate "should." I always rebel against someone should-ing me. So I wrote "can". Of course, you CAN do anything but there are some activities and states of mind which lend themselves well to this time.

For the longest time I concentrated on the problems. Late trains, lost packages, texts that didn't send, e-mails sent to the wrong person, video games freezing.

This Mercury Retrograde (March 23rd-April 14th) I have decided to to work WITH Mercury not against it.

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